A Tribute to “LH”- My Newest Secret Keeper

In this very special post, I would like to extend a personal appreciation for my newest “Secret Keeper” Laura Hennings! Even though we have never met, she has already impacted my life in a profound way. Connected only through our Thought Leader Program, she is a dedicatory recepient of not only one, but two of my intimate narratives in what is to be the “Drowning in Madagascar ” Book Series.

To “LH” My Newest “Secret Keeper”

Book Two, “Amidst Love’s Deepest Shadow” places a direct emphasis on my belief in a Higher Power. Throughout the tumultuous up’s and downs of what has been my life story, particularly in the last four years, I have recieved strength and wisdom from the profound knowledge that I have gained; in that most often the greatest of gifts are tenderly found amidst times of our Greatest Adversity.


“Someone once told me that I should amplify my voice to a rampant roar; and that roar would lead me to my passion. My internal narrative is my rampant roar. A roar that is incredibly difficult to quiet. A roar that is difficult to repress. And a roar that does not define my personal sense of worth. Yet I continue to compare myself to others. I compare myself with the person that I am right now; to the person that I was yesterday. And I continue to compare myself to the person I am right now; to the person that I truly want to be tomorrow.”

-Jenny Miner McCombs- The Addict Empath

When I clicked on the link to your talk, Laura, I immediately knew that your talk was a gift to me from my Higher Power. And I was astonished. Astonished because it was exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. And it sustained me in a way that strengthened my belief in my Higher Power.

Book Five; entitled, My First Secret Keeper, is a tribute to all of the people who have crossed my path in my life’s unique journey. A written memorial to the people who have touched and impacted me the most. And now, you are interwoven in to the complexities of my narrative.

And so, Laura, I will actively promote the power of your message to the best of my ability here on my Wellness Blog, “Drowning in Madagascar.” Because it was a message that enpowered me and brought me hope.


Jenny Miner McCombs- The Addict Empath

Congratulations on your future success, “LH” You deserve it.

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