The Color Code

The Color Code was designed by Dr. Taylor Hartman as a unique way to help people discover their core motives. This is a way to be able to define and explain some of our own thought patterns and behaviors that we never had been able to make sense of before, both as children, adolescents, and adults. What makes us tick. Why we act certain ways and never knew why. Why we have displayed certain behaviors and thought patterns that we have never been able to make sense of. This is a great place to start if you are new to this blog and are trying to make sense of your behaviors, be they self destructive in nature or otherwise. As this Blog is desinged to be a two way communication platform, it may also be of great benefit to read over the traits of each personality color, that of Red, Blue, Yellow, and White to see if you recognize any of these behavior patterns in the people in your life that you are trying to reach out to but do not know how. People you are struggling to connect with, whether they are a parent, extended family member, or anyone who you are struggling to understand.

I have included this resource in my blog because I believe that in order to fully understand our own behaviors, we need to understand our core motives, be they conscious or subconscious. Being able to recognize our own natural behavior patterns, whether they are positive or negative is the first step in being able to control them. What drives us, motivates us, envigorates us, and repels us. The color results are listed in each individual color page. If you want to take the assessment test on the website, I have provided the link for the free assessment on the links page.

I will start with myself.

I am a Blue.

Blues are Motivated by Intimacy

Thoughtful, Loyal, Opinionated, Sincere, Self-righteous

You can explore more of what characterizes a Blue on the page dedicated to its features. Here is an example of how a Blue may interact as a teenager. Here is a personal example from the journals of my youth to provide context.

But I need to stop being judgmental. Sometimes I get self righteous. I have thoughts that I am so good. That I am doing things so right compared to other people. These thoughts that come to my head are far from the truth. They prideful and sinful. They are not my actual thoughts.  I know what my faults are, and I have many.  I lack patience, I sometimes find myself being judgmental without even realizing it.

“Two weeks ago, when my sister nagged at me for not going to church, but to the Canyon instead. My motive for going to the Canyon was to get away from dad. But unfortunately my motives had a hard time turning to spirituality because I was already stirred up to anger. So I returned home disappointed in myself and unsuccessful in my attempts to gain peace. I heard her words in my head, ‘You said you would go to church…you never go, I know that you were upset today, but going to the canyon is not the same as going to church.’ I was so angry with her that I was at a loss for words. How unfair! She had absolutely no right! But for all I know she might have actually been expressing genuine concern, but I was just too angry to care. I was quick to point an accusing finger as well. It is true that I do envy certain qualities that would make me a better person and a better woman. I want her confidence. A never ending happiness that she appears to always carry within her. Such surety and conviction. I have never before seen her struggle much internally. But then again, that could be a quality in and of itself, for everyone has their own personal struggles. If she were to have an abundance of self doubt, she would never show it. Another scripture mentions to not only, ‘bear with patience all of thine afflictions. To not just endure them, but to endure them well.’ For that is the test. I have to justify myself over and over again by saying, ‘What is wrong with me?

Reds are Motivated by Power

Visionary, Decisive, Demanding, Logical, Insensitive

“I want her confidence. A never ending happiness that she appears to always carry within her. Such surety and conviction. I have never before seen her struggle much internally. If she were to have an abundance of self doubt, she would never show it. But then again, that could be a quality in and of itself. “

Drowning in Madagascar

Yellow’s are primarily motivated by Fun.

Impulsive, Spontaneous, Irresponsible, Charismatic

Whites are Motivated by Peace

Agreeable, Generous, Stubborn, Kind, Indecisive